Saturday, June 03, 2023

Signs from Ignorance


    Nearly everyone in the following tale is dead and have nothing to say for themselves about their actions. I should be clear from the start that I am not distressed by most of these deaths and view them as the proper consequence for their poor behavior. A few close relatives I miss terribly despite their lack of understanding about who I was. Knowing them intimately over time has taught me that they had my best interests at heart but were ignorant of just what those interests were.

    Back in the 50's and 60's this ignorance was overwhelming In 55 when I was born the doctor told my mother that she couldn't nurse because of her inverted nipples. WTF? This piece of shit doctor obviously didn't do his fucking homework because millions of mothers with inverted nipples have successfully nursed their babies for at least 100,000 years. That's how you fix inverted nipples you ignorant fuck! So I get denied my rightful place at my mother's breast and all the benefits that would have provided. Do you know what that shit does to a newborn baby? I sure fucking do. So fuck you doc, just fuck you.

    Babies don't feel pain. That's what doctors told themselves back in 55. Later it was amended to babies won't remember the experience, however fucked up it was. Babies, after all, don't remember anything previous to turning 3 years old. So I was told but of course I'm here to tell you otherwise. I was in an incubator for a week before they circumcised me and I was fully aware of what they were doing to me. When I first accessed that memory it was something that no one should ever experience. Emotional with a Capital "E" accompanied by out of this world visuals. Faces with huge eyes and no mouths staring down at me, making comments and laughing at my anger. The lights were unbelievably bright to my new eyes and there were 5 of them in a V formation over my head. My anger at them was overwhelming. Only one word escaped my lips while I experienced this memory. Butchers. After that, UFO abduction claims take on a new light. Those faces looked inhuman to my eyes at a week old and the lights looked like a fleet of UFOs flying overhead. No wonder some folks believe that they were abducted by aliens. Until I actually found the memory (with someone's help) I had questions about what had happened to me as a child that was still causing me anxiety. Finding the answer has helped me back that anxiety off. Time heals all wounds once the poison is leached out of them. Ignorance was the poison. Knowledge was the cure. I'm thankful that I had the opportunity to figure it out. Curiosity has been my trusted companion in all things that have moved me forward. That and a little help from The Big Guy. Just sayin'.     

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