Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Trump THREATENED to LEAVE GOP Unless They Embraced his BIG LIES

    Always wondered how this came to be. The abrupt turn around from righteous outrage at what Trump had fomented January 6th, 2021 to abject subservience days later. He told them he'd form his own party and put Republicans deep in the hole for a generation and they bought it. Here's a little poetry in Haiku style that their pathetic cowardly actions has inspired. 
Fuck Democracy ~ Republicans want to rule ~ Not to represent
Just sayin'.
    In other news, out cat Thumper has been sick for about a week now. No visible markings and his urine is normal. He's been eating a little but not nearly as much as usual. We have no idea what hurt him but he moves like he was crushed or run over. Anyway, he's getting better and will hopefully recover fully. We also had the solar panel part of our new energy system installed yesterday. Took the experienced crew from V3 only 6 hours to get it done. Once the panel is upgraded and battery installed we'll be good to go. Later.  

Tuesday, November 07, 2023

    Been working on a couple of pieces of Oak that I'm almost finished with. The top one was pretty much bark removal to reveal the swirling threads beneath. The second one was also mostly bark removal from the back part to reveal a moon-like surface. The part I'm showing is a cross section of the branch that this ball was growing on. There are around 100 rings visible meaning that this strange growth started around the 1920's. 

    I'm working on another piece of Oak that's also getting its bark removed. Unfortunately that piece was cut at the wrong time of the year for the bark to be easily removed (The two above were cut at the right time of the year for the bark to come off easily)(Bonus points for knowing what those cutting times are). This makes it a slow punishing process to expose the burl for viewing. I love these because once they're completed you can spend hours contemplating their complexity. The only problem used to be the amount of time I'd invest for a project that failed to launch and the only reason I worried about it was I had a limited amount of free time to invest in something that ended up being firewood. That reason is no longer valid so I'm enjoying rediscovering one of my favorite pass times. For me it's like meditation when I'm in the zone. Just sayin'.