Saturday, June 24, 2023

As Media Spotlights Titanic Sub, Hundreds of Migrants Who Died in Greek ...

    You'll get no sympathy from me for your poor choice of entertainment when it kills you. Especially if that choice included paying $250,000 a seat. As for the migrants who are drowning in the Mediterranean Sea, they get my attention. They get my sympathy (as if that helps). How limited are their choices when they choose to pay their way onto that boat, knowing they are risking everything for just a possibility of a better future? Just sayin'.  

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Signs from the Implosion

     So five people were killed when their submarine imploded while taking a scenic cruise to view the Titanic. Some of those folks paid $250,000 for a quick ticket to oblivion. For some it was a very bad day at work that more than likely ended with a bang. Am I feeling sorry for these adventurous fools and their tragic demise or am I faintly amused at their choices? Let's explore the latter.

    First bad choice was trusting your life to someone trying to make bank (see per seat cost above) with a sub that wasn't certified for the depth it needed to be at to view the wreck of the Titanic.

    Second bad choice was wanting to see the wreck in person in the first place when there are plenty of YouTube videos that will give you an even better view of one of humanity's more instructional disasters.

    The third bad choice was convincing yourselves that this adventure would be something that could better your lives in some manner and leave you with fond memories you could share with your friends.

    What I'm saying is that they made some bad choices trying to jazz up their travel resume. Possibly a tropical cruise would have had a similar effect for some but that wasn't out there enough for these folks. Being terrified of being trapped in small spaces makes their choices even more removed from anything I would even consider as a choice. What the fuck were these morons thinking? Wild horses couldn't make me get in a sub of any sort. I have issues about the one at Disneyland let alone a real one. Anyway I guess I'm not as advanced a human being as I'd like to think because I'm feeling no connection to these folks biting the dust the way they did. Seems like they made some pretty bad choices and Darwin took care of the rest. Just sayin'.

Monday, June 12, 2023

Trump THREATS against America EXPOSED ahead of Arraignment

    Fucking idiots, supporting a traitor who has put our country in harms way due to his mishandling of our secrets. He cares for no one but himself. Open your fucking eyes folks and look around, you're way off the reservation. This is about the law and the consequences of illegal acts and attempts to hide them. I spit on your political witch hunt cry baby whines. Deflect away morons, we've seen that enough times to ignore it. No one is above the fucking law, not even your cult leader. Get over it. Just sayin'.
    The previous rant is from an inner dialogue in which I speak from on high to those fucking idiots who are blindly supporting that piece of shite Trump. Not that they would listen. That's why I put it here. Not that they can read. Just sayin'.

Saturday, June 10, 2023

Let's talk about republicans deflecting from Trump....

    Indeed, why are they doubling down on their empty accusations? They must want their criminal leader to be free from the consequences of his actions. Good luck with that losers. Just sayin'.
    In other thoughts, Beau has great takes on the developments happening in our country politically. I very much enjoy is calm demeanor and logical approach to the chaos that is the Republican Party. 

Signs of Truth via The Indictments

     Forbes had an article recently that detailed an interviewers interaction with Trump in one of his offices (their October/November 2022 issue). It was filled with memorabilia that included Brady's signed football helmet and Super Bowl footballs which he was showing off to his interviewer. I got the impression of a young boy bragging about his treasures. Much like what's described in the indictments that were released yesterday. MAGA folks be mad that their cult leader is facing the consequences of his illegal and harmful actions. Fuck them. They'll get their day in court too. Just sayin'.   

Thursday, June 08, 2023

Trump indicted on federal charges in classified documents investigation

    Here's what many of us have been waiting for and this is only for the documents case. Now the real fun begins. We won't exactly know what the charges are but there are 7 of them and I've seen enough to have a pretty good idea of what they are. Violations of the espionage act and obstruction of justice are my bet. 
    Like I said previously, the dog and pony show is just getting started. Tuesday next week we'll more than likely know exactly what those 8 charges are for. Meanwhile I'm getting myself a red beer to celebrate the beginning of a very interesting and well deserved persecution of our former criminal and chief. The several other investigations should be chiming in soon with their own laundry list of evil deeds to persecute. I'm so looking forward to the show. Just sayin'. 
    I've been following politics ever since Bush stole an election and proceeded to screw stuff up, leaving Chaney and Rumsfeld to burn and pillage. Those two were from the Reagan Administration and were in on the beginning of the end for America. I'm saying that they set into motion this whole chaotic bullshit that currently dominates our lives. The tax cuts that were done back then are when our infrastructure began to degrade and the wealthy began getting way wealthier. Raegan set that shit in motion. Members of his administration continued his legacy of "Trickle Down" economics during Bush's 8 years. That BS got me started. Our country missed a golden opportunity to unite the world in opposition to the terrorists that committed 9/11 by starting a bullshit war in Iraq while doing the same in Afghanistan for the right ones. Both cost us bigtime. That's why I feel the need to express my frustration by writing this down. I'm only talking to myself to borrow a phrase. Later.       

Looking Into the Whistleblower Who Says the Government is Hiding Alien T...

    Looks like Joe doesn't quite believe the veracity of this whistleblower and frankly, neither do I but he tells a good story. One I've felt was true from the first time I heard about it. The believers have been relegated to the looney bin for decades so I've never let that belief dictate my behavior. That being said my inner dialog has been working overtime on all of the parameters and down sides to this becoming public. It's going to be a wild ride folks. Just sayin'. 

Wednesday, June 07, 2023

George Santos Begs Court To NOT Release Names Of People Who Posted His Bail

    What can you say about this? How ignorant are these dipshites? Do they think that the identities of who put up this MAGA piece of shites $500,000 bail is their private business and none of ours? I beg to fucking differ. Your ignorance is no fucking excuse. Everything our elected public officials do is fucking public, including the identities of those that bailed this lying dog out so he could help his MAGA buddies in Congress. You know, the ones that give not one fuck for our constitution or rule of law. You know, the ones that recently attempted to overthrow our Democracy. Put these fuckheads away DOJ. They've broken the law and no one is supposedly above the law. I'm betting on Justice tearing these paper clowns down and putting them in prison where they fucking belong. Nothing political about punishing law breakers and none of your antics are going to change that no matter how hard you scream. Just sayin'.

Tuesday, June 06, 2023

Signs That We've Been Lied to and Bob Lazar Wasn't Making Shit Up

Here it is. We have flying craft and remains from unknown origins. We've had them for decades. Our government kept that secret with immense amounts of disinformation and absolute authority. Bob Lazar was telling the truth. Think about the amount of money it took to make him look like a crazy conspiracy nut rather than the concerned citizen that he turns out to be. They erased his history. If it wasn't for this information not being disclosed at the recent NASA meeting concerning UFOs (I'm not using the new UAP) that pissed of some of those in the know, this guy wouldn't have felt the need to tell. He knows what happened to Bob Lazar and knows it could happen to him. That takes balls. There's going to be an all out news blitz as the information expands and goes viral. It will be an alien freak show for sure. My inner dialogue has been trending on this topic all day. Just sayin'.  


Monday, June 05, 2023

Signs of an Inner Monologue

    Never really thought about it much but this video got my attention and set my inner monologue off. It didn't help that I went on a 4 hour drive right after watching it and reviewed what I'd learned over and over and over. Some folks don't have much of an inner monologue. Others have it full time (that's me). Most are somewhere in between. They don't know what it all means exactly but they're working on it. Meanwhile, I'm constantly having an inner monologue or listening to my inner music station, which can include inner commentary. I'm having an inner dialog now about how I might be a good subject for their study. If it paid well. If not, their loss. I'll just keep silently entertaining myself throughout my waking hours. Like usual. Just sayin'.

Saturday, June 03, 2023

Signs from Ignorance


    Nearly everyone in the following tale is dead and have nothing to say for themselves about their actions. I should be clear from the start that I am not distressed by most of these deaths and view them as the proper consequence for their poor behavior. A few close relatives I miss terribly despite their lack of understanding about who I was. Knowing them intimately over time has taught me that they had my best interests at heart but were ignorant of just what those interests were.

    Back in the 50's and 60's this ignorance was overwhelming In 55 when I was born the doctor told my mother that she couldn't nurse because of her inverted nipples. WTF? This piece of shit doctor obviously didn't do his fucking homework because millions of mothers with inverted nipples have successfully nursed their babies for at least 100,000 years. That's how you fix inverted nipples you ignorant fuck! So I get denied my rightful place at my mother's breast and all the benefits that would have provided. Do you know what that shit does to a newborn baby? I sure fucking do. So fuck you doc, just fuck you.

    Babies don't feel pain. That's what doctors told themselves back in 55. Later it was amended to babies won't remember the experience, however fucked up it was. Babies, after all, don't remember anything previous to turning 3 years old. So I was told but of course I'm here to tell you otherwise. I was in an incubator for a week before they circumcised me and I was fully aware of what they were doing to me. When I first accessed that memory it was something that no one should ever experience. Emotional with a Capital "E" accompanied by out of this world visuals. Faces with huge eyes and no mouths staring down at me, making comments and laughing at my anger. The lights were unbelievably bright to my new eyes and there were 5 of them in a V formation over my head. My anger at them was overwhelming. Only one word escaped my lips while I experienced this memory. Butchers. After that, UFO abduction claims take on a new light. Those faces looked inhuman to my eyes at a week old and the lights looked like a fleet of UFOs flying overhead. No wonder some folks believe that they were abducted by aliens. Until I actually found the memory (with someone's help) I had questions about what had happened to me as a child that was still causing me anxiety. Finding the answer has helped me back that anxiety off. Time heals all wounds once the poison is leached out of them. Ignorance was the poison. Knowledge was the cure. I'm thankful that I had the opportunity to figure it out. Curiosity has been my trusted companion in all things that have moved me forward. That and a little help from The Big Guy. Just sayin'.     

Thursday, June 01, 2023

Signs from Travel

     I've been hanging in the mid 230's until a 3 day trip to Oregon. When I got back I was below 230 for the first time since I was 20 years old. It was a shock but I know what I missed for those 3 days that did it. Yet I bemoan correcting it at this time. There's so much chaos in the world these days and certain foods or beverages can help one cope. Too many of my favorite eats have bitten the dust in order to lose weight but it seems one more is soon to hit the dust. Took an interesting pic of Mount Shasta on the way home. Enjoy.