Tuesday, July 05, 2022

Texas Paul SLAMS GOP Governors as the “WORLD’S WORST CEOs”

    Texas Paul gets it right. Republicans are shit at governing. My take is they're stupid but you've heard that from me before. Remember that my definition of stupid is behavior that not only fucks over people around you but is detrimental to  too. All they seem to care about has nothing to do with representing their constituents and everything to do with culture wars. They're obsessed with control, power and money and give not one fuck for anyone but themselves. Trump is the perfect example of current Republican attitudes. Nothing but lies and self serving bullshit in their efforts to continue fucking over Americans. Not a true Christian among them yet they're making every effort to codify religion as part of our government. Their ground troops are out and about without a doubt, bashing Gay Pride and 4th of July celebrations and that's how fascism begins, in blood and violence. If you want to destroy this country vote Republican. We'll have a proper fascist government and you can watch your freedom go the way of the Dodo.   

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