Friday, January 06, 2023

Signs of Recovery!

     It had been about a week since Ginger last took a dump when we gave her a suppository in an effort to pass whatever was holding up the works. Two days later she made her first deposit in over a week. No more fever. Her appetite returned and now she's back to her usual screwed up behavior. Almost glad to have her back. Even with the recent rains our ground is still difficult to penetrate to any depth so I wasn't looking forward to digging her a proper grave anyway. That being said, anyone want a little dog?

    In other signs, 11 votes and still no Speaker of the House. Members of the Insurrectionist Party are holding Congress hostage for whatever bullshit they want now. They already got him to agree to trash the Ethics Committee so that they can continue their illegal activities but that's not enough for those pieces of shit. It's rare to see Republicans not on the same page but there is a very simple solution that will unite them again. They need to purge themselves of their unconstitutional members. Aren't they insurrectionists? Why are these pieces of shit still in office? Don't their recent actions disqualify them from holding office? Just sayin'. There are laws on the books that can be used to remove them from public office. Use them. 

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