Sunday, December 04, 2022

Now His Name is Thumper

     Couldn't make Butters work for him so we're on to Thumper now, after Bambi's rabbit buddy. He sounds like a thumper when he's racing down the hallway. He's still not happy with Blaxter and continues to growl from a distance when he's in the room. Something tells me he was a single kitty where ever he came from and he's not into tolerating other cats. Blaxter on the other hand has plenty of experience living in a multiple cat household and is no where near as upset about our new boarder. Fortunately, Blaxter is an outdoor cat and spends the majority of his time outdoors. He's quite independent while maintaining a close bond with us and only needs lap time on a daily basis. Just enough to insure that the food keeps coming. Speaking of food, it's still a issue for Thumper but he's calming down in that department. Time will cure whatever's bothering him and meanwhile he's entertaining as hell. He's a very playful and loving kitty and we're already in love with him. Thank you Big Guy for the major score. Just sayin'. 

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