Sunday, August 14, 2022

Eric Trump HUMILIATES himself at rally calling Trump family ‘most honest...

    This is your Republican Party. No longer on the fringe, they are dead center and displaying the new Republican values. These apparently include witches and demons which they obviously believe have taken over the Democratic Party. Seems a little over the top to me. The projection is awesome to behold as they describe their own actions as being those of their opponents.

    Then there's Trump. The signs are all there. The irony of a president who increases the penalty for mishandling sensitive/secret documents while he was in office and now stands accused of doing that very same thing is too delicious not to savor. Projection is a powerful indication that you're dealing with a piece of shit. Whatever they accuse others of doing they have done themselves and cannot believe that anyone else will not behave the same given the opportunity.

    Speaking of bullshit, how about the Right Wing Noise Machine? Ever heard such a pile of bullshit and blather with zero fucks given to what their incendiary words might inspire in their less intelligent listeners? We've already heard about the fool trying to get into the FBI office. He's dead as a direct result of of those incendiary words. Republicans give not one fuck for the people that they represent or the constitution that they swore an oath to. Let me say it again, Republicans give not one fuck for the people that they represent or the constitution that they swore an oath to. 

    Like above, some concepts need to be repeated in hopes that they will inspire understanding. That's what the Right Wing Noise Machine does only they do not want their viewers to know what is actually happening, only what they tell them is happening. You know, propaganda. They pick a piece of bullshit out of the sewer where they live and share their gospel with the masses. And what's with this rise in religious crap that has absolutely nothing to do with Jesus. Ask yourself WWJD and separating families at our border would not have been on the list. He even spoke to the separation of church and state when he answered a question about who was in charge, God or Caesar. He said to give each his own, the gold to Caesar and the spirit to God (paraphrasing here). 

    The Republican Party is lost in a maze of lies and innuendo that they believe to be true. How many fucking times do they need to shown that their was no fraud in the 2020 election? WTF does it take for these fucking poor losers to get over it? They fucking lost. Period. Just sayin'.       

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