Monday, January 20, 2025

The End of Our Democracy Started Years Ago

 Now we’re going to see a rapid acceleration in the dismantling of our Democracy by our ruling billionaires. Bribes through Trump’s bitcoin have inflated its worth to over 50 billion dollars and our new president owns 80% of it. Ignorant/Stupid fucking American voters made this happen. Now all we can do is watch it happen and hope the morons that got us here don’t believe their lies when the Right continues to blame the Democrats for fucking everything up. From here on in it’s on MAGA. Just sayin’.

Just heard that there are only two genders according to MAGA’s fearless leader. Dude, I’ve met folks who were both from birth. You have no fucking idea of what you condemn. Back to ignoring as much of this bullshit as possible. Just sayin’, as there is little we can do about it now.

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