Friday, January 31, 2025
The Orange Oompa Lumpa Blames Airplane Crash on DEI.
Why does America have money for bombs but not healthcare?
Thursday, January 30, 2025
Sign of the Skunk
They are associated with protection, confidence and fearlessness in the spiritual sense. On my front porch it is mostly interested in the cat food. Fortunately this little freeloader doesn’t rile easily. Going to see if a different food location will same us from our odiferous and unwanted guest. Oh, almost forgot. It’s a yin and yang sign also. This might refer to my one sided approach to the current administration, which is opposition to whatever fuckery they’ve inflicted upon us now. Fuck our first presidential felon and his greedy enablers. None of them give one fuck for any of us. Just sayin’.
More Signs from the Wood
As I’m pitching the wood over to be stacked it sounds like bowling balls hitting pins. Gnarly wood this be. Had to set a few pieces aside as future projects. Too good to burn they be. Speaking of burning, is Trump trying to burn as all for rejecting him in 2020? Is this his fucking revenge tour? Looks like it to me. Just sayin’.
Wednesday, January 29, 2025
Signs of Litigation and Possible Progress
So Trump tried to take over the purse strings from Congress and got stopped by a judge who found the order to be unconstitutional. Now Trump has rescinded that order after causing Wall Street to shit its pants. Typical Trump. Chaos is his name. Let’s hope we survive this asshole for the next two years and voters get pissed off enough to turn the midterms Blue. Of course, the Democrats would also need to prove that they care about the average American. Republican’s certainly don’t. Just sayin’.
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
Signs of the Times
Looks like the project 2025 folks were well prepared to begin dismantling our Democracy while directly defying our Constitution. The lawyers will be in a litigation frenzy of epic proportions as they defend what is left of our democracy. At least my wood is dry. Just sayin’.
The Sign of Dry Wood
Whatever it means I just bought the driest Oak firewood I’ve ever seen. This stuff is Climate Change level dry. There are tiny fire tornadoes in my stove now. The donor tree had been dead for several years before it fell over and was immediately rendered into firewood. It spent less than a week on dry ground I’m told. A few months on the ground would have rendered it useless. Just sayin’.
Monday, January 27, 2025
More Signs from the Fatherland
J.D. Vance has just told us that good Christian women need to get to work making more future laborers for the good of America. Never mind that women’s health is under attack and her chances of dying are third world level if she becomes pregnant. This is a woman’s worth in Trump’s America. I remember Hitler saying exactly the same shit in the prelude to WWII. Just sayin’.
Sunday, January 26, 2025
How Many Fucking Signs Do You Need?
Orange Jesus didn’t even touch the Bible when he was sworn in. What might that imply? Just sayin’.
Sign of the Snitch
All Federal Government Employees are being asked to snitch on any fellow employees who might still be pursuing DEI policies. Remember East Germany? Everybody snitched on everyone else. Many an innocent person was falsely accused by assholes who held a grudge for whatever reason. Only good will result from this policy I’m sure. Just sayin’.
Friday, January 24, 2025
Signs from “Christo-Fascist” Right
They want a fucking apology for the bishop’s request that Donny Shits-in-pants show mercy to the immigrants he’s vilified all these years. Let that sink in. They have only hate in their hearts, like all good Christo-Fascist do. Stupid violent pieces of human excrement in my book. Just sayin’.
Thursday, January 23, 2025
Signs of Bad Health Outcomes for All Americans
Check out the Cheeto and Chief’s Health Agency executive orders to stop all communications to the American public about public health issues. Want to know where Covid is currently hot? Want to know what health issues keep an eye on? What recommendations to help Americans stay healthier? Good luck with that.
Also, did you notice that our fearless leader has not said one fucking word about the fucking health care system that is currently fucking us? They’re upping security rather than upping our health to their number one priority. They’ll keep fucking us over until there’s no one left alive to fuck over. Luigi removed a person from this life because that person, that “human being” was legally murdering his clients. It will take more that upping their security to keep these monsters safe. As long as they prioritize profits over people they’re going to risk facing the consequences of their actions. Just like the rest of us have to. Just sayin’.
Signs from the Gulf Coast
Common practice by all Republicans/MAGA criminals is to use false language to bend reality. Rioters become Patriots and heroes when in reality they committed crimes against our Democracy. Renaming shit in efforts to push their unpopular agendas doesn’t work on intelligent, educated Americans and certainly doesn’t work overseas. Ignorant fucking Americans who are too fucking stupid to look up the facts spread the crap they hear with zero thought to its veracity. Willfully ignorant pieces of shit voted for this bullshit and I hope they reap the rewards of their stupidity. Certainly you'll get no sympathy from me. Just sayin’.
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Signs of Fascism?
Mr Musk couldn’t help himself and saluted his true joy with the Nazi salute, twice , to let us know where he’s coming from. An undeniable sign of things to come. Just sayin’.
There are no excuses. This includes calling it a Roman salute. Where do you think the Nazi salute came from? Learn your fucking history MAGA and stop making excuses for our new rulers. Just sayin’.
Monday, January 20, 2025
The End of Our Democracy Started Years Ago
Now we’re going to see a rapid acceleration in the dismantling of our Democracy by our ruling billionaires. Bribes through Trump’s bitcoin have inflated its worth to over 50 billion dollars and our new president owns 80% of it. Ignorant/Stupid fucking American voters made this happen. Now all we can do is watch it happen and hope the morons that got us here don’t believe their lies when the Right continues to blame the Democrats for fucking everything up. From here on in it’s on MAGA. Just sayin’.
Just heard that there are only two genders according to MAGA’s fearless leader. Dude, I’ve met folks who were both from birth. You have no fucking idea of what you condemn. Back to ignoring as much of this bullshit as possible. Just sayin’, as there is little we can do about it now.
Saturday, January 18, 2025
Stolen Vases Cost $800 to Replace
Looks like they’re on their way to the recyclers. Sign of the times. Nancy and I agree, we won’t give a single fuck once we’re dead. Bronze or not. Just sayin’.
Friday, January 17, 2025
Weather Signs
Looks like it’s going to be one cold bitch of a day on the 20th to welcome our new lord and master to the presidency again. Maybe this time he’ll end our Democracy while he “serves”. I do love the cold reception though. Just sayin’.
Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Tired of the Fucking Bullshit
I am so fucking tired of hearing folks repeat debunked bullshit claims that Oregon firefighters were stopped in Sacramento over smog issues. Val, I am so fucking tired of hearing you tell me that you don’t believe anything on the internet when that’s where that bullshit story came from. Learn something and go to Snopes where bullshit is exposed to the light of truth. Just sayin’.