Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Questioning Our Position on Trump

     Never saw his appeal, only his insufferable attitude of false superiority. This was decades before he hit the political grift. I mean, how many times can you go bankrupt and still be considered an astute businessman. Still. We hear folks proudly say that they will vote for this stupid fuck in 2024 and have to question our sanity. How in the great blue blazes can you vote for such a reprehensible human being? Nazis love him as do other racist and violent white males. If I'm in a crowd that consists of those folks I'm in the wrong fucking crowd. He said there were good people on both sides of that confrontation. That should be enough to eliminate him from serious consideration. Besides the fact that he's one dumb fuck and too stupid to know how fucking stupid he is (you know...the most dangerous kind of stupid). Whenever I begin to question my opinion of that degenerate serial grifter, I just remember the Nazis. I hate fucking Nazis. Just sayin'.

    End of my 4th week without tobacco tomorrow.    

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