Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Signs from the Manx Kitty

     More of a cat actually but a young one, not quite a kitten. Been keeping an eye out for a Manx of any age and color for several years now. A former co-worker had this little fellow show up at her doorstep last week, looking to move in. As she already has two cats, she posted him on fb and several hours after reading the post we were the proud parents of a new nameless cat. This pic is after about 24 hours of habitation with us.

Saturday, November 26, 2022

More Signs of Loss

     Hit 239 this morning, breaking into the 230's for the first time in about 45 years. Everything is changing. Just moving around feels totally different as my large pot belly has nearly disappeared. Had to go through my wardrobe stash to find clothes that I had previously rejected as too small. Great shirts in there but just about every pair of pants I own fit loosely now. My lower denture is even loose. That part is not so great but at least it's repairable. Now I'm wondering how far I should go? My body tells me to keep going until I level out somewhere. Now that food isn't the issue it used to be, I'm expecting to achieve some sort of balance again. With my frame I'll most likely feel best in the 200 to 220 range. My doctor will be freaked when he sees me in late December and I'm looking forward to it. Just sayin'.    

Friday, November 25, 2022

Signs oif Thanksgiving

     I'm not much for holidays or the family gatherings they inspire. Went to my dad and sister's compound for Thanksgiving and had to admit it was a good time. Mostly we enjoyed our rescue Chihuahua's good behavior while hanging out with a group of people. Ginger conquered many a lap while we were there and found doggie miracles throughout her stay. Dad found out that she really likes Salmon. All in all a good time was had by all. Happy Black Friday!   

Saturday, November 05, 2022

Still Fed Up

     The mid-terms are nearly here and I'm anticipating some disappointment is possible. How that could be considering the factual evidence that many if not most in the current Republican Party give not one fuck for Democracy and will destroy it if it gets in their way. That is terrifyingly easy to do when so many idiots believe the bullshit they're fed by reprehensible Republican politicians along with whatever right wing news outlet they're addicted to. I don't see a solution other than voting every last Republican out of office and we all know that ain't happening soon. Just sayin'.   

Friday, November 04, 2022

Country Over Party

    Country over Party. One party has introduced hate and violence into their rhetoric and tried to turn America into a fascist state. The other party is trying to hold the line on Democracy to insure that we don't end up with the Orange Menace as our fearless leader for life. I'm for Democracy and an end to the political violence that Republicans promote. Just sayin'.