Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Merrick Garland Takes HUGE STEP Toward ARRESTING Trump

    We can only wait and see when that traitorous piece of garbage Trump get's his ticket to the nearest Federal Prison. That's where this needs to end in my opinion. His crimes are multitude, his remorse non-existent. Justice will be served slowly and completely from what I've seen so far. In these unprecedented times that's a good thing.   

Saturday, May 28, 2022

Bourbon Blues - Dark and Elegant Blues Music to Escape To

    I am entertained. It's playing in the music room right now and Nancy is working on her base playing. I just got through playing leads to this stuff and acting like I know what I'm doing. Great fun for the musically inclined. It's just begging for a harp player to do it justice.

Hayes: NRA’s ‘Good Guy With A Gun’ Theory Failed In Real Time In Uvalde

    It failed big time. The "Good Guys" hung out, listened to the occasional gun shots and failed to go after the shooter for fear of their lives. Forty minutes they were there and did nothing but fuck with the parents who were screaming at them to do their jobs. Un-fucking-believable. Fuck you Cruz. Still calling for the "Good Guy with a Gun" to solve the issue. A five year old could do better.    

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Joe: What Beto Said To Reporters Is Supported By The Majority Of Americans

    That's what I'm saying folks. The Majority of Americans want this senseless violence stopped and AR-15s do not belong in 18 year old hands. Republicans proving once again that they give not one fuck for our children or the folks that voted them in office. Very bad behavior by the assholes on stage, especially Abbott. Calling out anyone who speaks truth to their bullshit for politicizing the issue speaks volumes for those with the ears to hear. This is our nation on Republican policies that do nothing but make the real issues worse. You can't solve a problem until you're willing to see the actual causes, not some made up crap that keeps you in office. Do your fucking jobs Republicans. You're the minority for a fucking reason and if you'd get your fucking heads out of your fucking asses then maybe you wouldn't have to lie so much to stay power.

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Marjorie Taylor Greene HIDES after SCANDAL Breaks

    Christo says what needs to be said about the piece of traitorous garbage named Marjorie Taylor Greene. Wait until her role on January 6 is fully exposed for some real action. She won't see another term when that happens and will more than likely face prison time. So sad. 

Monday, May 23, 2022

Parent brings THE HOUSE DOWN after board member tries to justify bigotry...

    Using Jesus to justify her bigotry? WTF? Did He approve the bigotry that bitch used His name to justify? What would Jesus do? He'd kick her ass as I would. Keep your perfect bullshit to yourself bitch. We don't need your fucked up values being promoted in our schools. 

Sunday, May 22, 2022

What is bipolar disorder? - Helen M. Farrell

    5 years at mental health answering the the crisis line gave me a pretty good idea of what's going on with the various types of mental illness. Bipolar gets used incorrectly way too much from my experience. Here's a great explanation of what it is. 

Friday, May 20, 2022

Slip of the Tongue or Sign?

    Russell riffs on the inadvertently truthful verbal slip made by George Bush during a recent speech admonishing Putin for his invasion of Ukraine. Hypocrisy anyone? 

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

He Learned It From Tucker

    What a piece of shit Tucker is. He's always been a piece of shit and obviously he's found his audience of stupid people with guns and the mental acuity of gnats. Good job Tucker. You've helped strike another blow for the Racist Right.

Goodbye Mojo


    Mojo, one of our rescue dogs from last December (Ginger's daughter) has moved to a new home in Leggett with a retired couple that are old enough to be our parents. Met them via a yard sale and found out that they were looking for a small dog. Since we got Ginger and Mojo last year, we've learned that we haven't been able to really bond with theses two and giving one of them away was easier than I thought. As far as bonding goes I mostly think it's due to the fact that these dogs were so fucked up when we got them. Getting them to a civilized state didn't endear us to their tiny selves I'm guessing but that's neither here nor there. Hopefully Ginger will rise to the occasion and start acting like our dog instead of an independent contractor now that her daughter has found a good home elsewhere. Time will tell.  

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Texas Paul REACTS to Texas Governor Costing State Billions

    Lets add Texas to the states who are loosing billions of dollars due to their governor's grandstanding bullshit along with Florida. Texas Paul explains why Abbott's bullshit is costing Texas billions of dollars as his recent decisions have inspired Mexico to decide to ship their products through New Mexico instead of Texas. They also decided to change their rail destination to New Mexico. What a stupid piece of shit Abbott is proving to be in his efforts to become the next Donald Trump. He's right up there with #DeathSantis when it comes to fucking over his constituency. Stupid is as stupid does and Abbott is one stupid son of a bitch.   

Sunday, May 08, 2022

Pranks Destroy Scam Callers- GlitterBomb Payback

    These guys deserve a medal for going after these bullshit scammers. Unbelievable how they scam the most vulnerable in our population (65+) using their empathy against them. My recommendation is to know that the IRS and Social Security never do business by phone and if anyone wants personal information like bank accounts and such they better be related. Please share and get the word out about these scammers and their evil tactics.  

Matt Gaetz Thinks "Over-Educated" Is an Insult and It' a Sign

    More on the Trump judge selection process, the Supreme Court debacle along with Matt Gaetz get the treatment in "A Closer Look". A note on each follows.
    Judges, Supreme or otherwise, have taken a beating lately for their partisan bullshit and rightly so. They give not one fuck for the law, only their religious beliefs which guide their decisions. Fuck them and fuck their religious beliefs. They wouldn't recognize Jesus if he was mowing their fucking lawns. Have I made it clear that like our founding fathers, I believe that religion should have nothing to do with our government? We shouldn't support religion nor should we tolerate their efforts in the political arena. This shit needs to fucking stop. I say tax those fuckers who play politics at the very least. They're doing some fucked up shit to our country with their bullshit.
    Then there's Matt Gaetz, expressing his preference for women with a high school education or better yet, still in high school. He likes them stupid and that's what they'd have to be to date that piece of shit. Stupid is as stupid does and Matt Gaetz does stupid well.
    All and all, more fucked up Republicans than you can shake a stick at. All of them ignoring the fact that they represent a minority of voters in this country. We need to remind them of this fact come the mid-terms and send these fascist pieces of shit home.      

Saturday, May 07, 2022

Erin Burnett At Her Wits' End With Right-Wing Psychos Or Q? Really?

    Personally I feel that you might be just a little out there like alien abduction victims are if you believe the shit that Q is dishing out. Bat Shit Crazy. The fact that some evangelical church goers are susceptible to this crazy shit shouldn't be a surprise. This kind of shit is candy for simpler minds. Minds that already believe some pretty crazy shit. They already believe that 40,000 true believers will be Raptured into Heaven when the End of Times starts. Many of them are looking forward to those End of Times and actively helping bring it about. Stupid is as stupid does with those beliefs. They're putting targets on those of us who disagree with their perverted view of what would Jesus do? We are surely sinners and not true Christians by their reckoning. Believers that wouldn't know a true Christian if one knocked on their front door. Judge not lest you be judged by that same measure. The Sword of Truth has 2 edges for a reason. Speak your "Truth" with this in mind. I certainly do.      

Thursday, May 05, 2022

Elon vs Big Pharma: It Begins

    Nice to hear some truth making it's way into more people's lives. Russel Brand asks the questions we should all ask ourselves. That is, unless the answers will clash with your view of the world. Open your eyes and see what's there in front of you. That is my wish for humanity in general.

Monday, May 02, 2022

Roe V. Wade Overturned According To SCOTUS (LEAKED) Draft Opinion

    No surprise here if it's true. But even if it turns out to be a false report it's still only a matter of time before they overturn it for real. After all, this was what the Right has been all about from the start.  Get their people onto the Supreme Court to overturn Roe V. Wade. They did it. Congratulations you stupid fucking old rich motherfuckers, you put women back in their rightful place as second class citizens in our fucked up country. Make America Great Again my ass. This is a large step in the wrong direction for American equality. My heart hurts to think of the pain and suffering this will inflict on those least able to defend themselves. All this from the party that supported Trump and his greed over whatever constitutional oaths they swore in order to remain in power. Losers one and all. Thank God for that at least.