Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Tired of Having Your Pets Eaten? Move to Northern California Where They Just Get Shot.


    Yep, Thumper ended up with a hole in his shoulder but I don't think immigrants were the cause of it. In other news, Nancy purchased this for $20 at a yard sale still in the box that no one could lift. Had to lever that puppy into the car. Took 3 hours to assemble. Now to get the right cut of meat to break it in with. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Up to $105.80 in Foreign Coins

 That's about 6.5 pounds worth of coinage identified so far from over 50 countries. My spreadsheet is up to 278 different coins as of this moment (I add daily). 

    Found out our fireplace insert isn't up to code and never was. Wonder how that slipped by during the house inspection. Guess they never entered the house or how else could they have missed it. Oh well, it will only cost us 8-9 thousand to set it right and prevent our house from burning down. Just sayin'. 

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Survived the 13th

     No bad luck here. Up to nearly $50 in foreign currency so far from my $30 tray of coins. Starting to identify some Asian coins now with the Google search app. First up was a 5 Sen coin from Japan dated 1922. The dates were crazy to figure out on this coin that's only worth about 34 cents. The first items that come up in the search are usually from E-bay and priced outlandishly. One might think that one had found a treasure only to have those expectations dashed via reality. Just sayin'. 

    Still no cigarettes although the urge is still strong at times. Sometimes a doobie chases it away and other times it doesn't and that's when it sucks.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

From Days to Months

     The time period pertaining to my cessation of smoking cigarettes has graduated from being described in "days" to "months". In 11 months the time descriptor will switch to years. That is all.   

    Meanwhile, I'm up to over 40 countries as I catalog the foreign coins. Over a pound and a quarter of them are in the database so far with at least several pounds to go. Fascinating stuff.

Sunday, September 08, 2024

31 Days Done

     So done with cigarettes. Bought a box of coins and tokens for $30 at an estate sale today. About 8 pounds or so worth of them. I've started to go through them and am astonished at the variety of foreign coins I bought. Might have to start a spreadsheet on them as I look them up. Fascinating stuff. Entertaining for the $$ and I might even break even. Just sayin'. 

Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Questioning Our Position on Trump

     Never saw his appeal, only his insufferable attitude of false superiority. This was decades before he hit the political grift. I mean, how many times can you go bankrupt and still be considered an astute businessman. Still. We hear folks proudly say that they will vote for this stupid fuck in 2024 and have to question our sanity. How in the great blue blazes can you vote for such a reprehensible human being? Nazis love him as do other racist and violent white males. If I'm in a crowd that consists of those folks I'm in the wrong fucking crowd. He said there were good people on both sides of that confrontation. That should be enough to eliminate him from serious consideration. Besides the fact that he's one dumb fuck and too stupid to know how fucking stupid he is (you know...the most dangerous kind of stupid). Whenever I begin to question my opinion of that degenerate serial grifter, I just remember the Nazis. I hate fucking Nazis. Just sayin'.

    End of my 4th week without tobacco tomorrow.    

Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Caitlin Clark and Bad Behavior

     Never much paid attention to women's basketball until I saw her go up against Steph Curry. Now I don't get to watch her games live but I do get the You Tube highlights and I'm seeing some 5 year old behavior coming from quite a few women who look to be adults. The flagrant fouls on Clark do not look good to this judgmental member of an older generation. Jealous anyone? Don't they realize that a rising tide floats all boats? Their income is going to increase due to increased interest in their sport. Don't turn off the fans you are beginning to see because of Caitlin Clark. Leave your bad behavior behind you. It's for your own good. Just sayin'.  

    26 days and counting. Damn I still want one.