Saturday, April 04, 2020

Signs That Republicans Suck at Government

The last 2 Republican presidents have faced disaster during their terms. 9/11 belongs to Bush all the way. The previous administration's warnings were ignored and we all know what happened next. Now there's Trump. He eliminated an agency put into place by Obama after Ebola knocked on our door to handle exactly the kind of emergency we are now facing. Now he's failing to provide the leadership that will save lives and instead acts as if this is all about him. He refuses to take responsibility for the Federal Government's poor response to this emergency. Now hundreds of thousands of Americans will needlessly die- because your Republican president has his head up his ass. His unsuitability for the office of President of the United States should have been obvious to anyone with enough brains to fill a shot glass and I know you all got more brains than that. To my way of thinking, all Republicans share the blame for what happens in the next few weeks as the number of deaths from this virus rise. Republicans suck at government.

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